Internal sirens

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  • Wireless indoor sound siren LifeSOS WS-1S

    [:ru] Используется для звукового оповещения о тревоге; Получает сигнал от центрального блока по радиоканалу; Громкость сирены составляет 108 дБ ± 3дБ; Встроенный аккумулятор, 30 часов работы; Работает от сети 220 B через адаптер 12 B DC; Работает на расстоянии до 100 м от централи. [:ua]Використовується для звукового оповіщення про тривогу; Отримує сигнал від центрального блоку по радіоканалу; Гучність сирени становить 108 дБ ± 3дБ; Вбудований акумулятор, 30 годин роботи; Працює від мережі 220 B через адаптер 12 B DC; Працює на відстані до 100 м від централі. [:en]Used to sound an alarm; Receives a signal from the central unit via radio; The loudness of the siren is 108 dB ± 3 dB; Built-in battery, 30 hours of operation; Operates from 220 V network via 12 V DC adapter; Operates at a distance of up to 100 m from the central. [:pl]Służy do wywoływania alarmu; Odbiera sygnał z centrali przez radio; Głośność syreny wynosi 108 dB ± 3 dB; Wbudowana bateria, 30 godzin pracy; Działa z sieci 220 V poprzez adapter 12 V DC; Działa w odległości do 100 m od centralnej.
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Wireless sirens appeared at the dawn of the creation of wireless security alarms. Since the creation of the first wireless sirens passed a large amount of time. Today the wireless siren is a powerful protection against a huge mass of potential intruders. Modern technologies allowed creating sirens with two-way wireless communication and charging from the sun. Recently, the siren has become not only a part of the security alarm, but also an element of design. Many modern sirens are performed solely by pre-prepared design drawings in step with the course of fashion. And no matter how strange it may sound, many users approach the choice of the siren very scrupulously, taking into account even the smallest details. A wide range of devices of this type allows you to choose the right option.
When choosing a location for the Serena installation, it is important to achieve a compromise: on the one hand it should be easily viewed from all sides, and also have good acoustic properties so that the signals delivered by the siren reach their goal and attract people’s attention. On the other hand, the sound strength of the siren is enough to at least stun an unprepared person, at the moment of false alarm.
The undeniable advantage of all wireless systems without exception is the absence of connecting wires, which allows them to be taken out and installed at a considerable distance. Moreover, the presence of two-way communication between the siren and the central alarm unit allows you to constantly monitor the siren’s condition, from battery charge to sabotage attempts.