Sensor of opening of magnetocontact Electron ECMK-1 black


Designed to track the opening of doors, windows; Easily and conveniently mounted on the door of the window hatches; The distance of the elements in the standby mode is 10 mm, with an alarm of 25 mm; It is supported by any central alarms that work with NC loops; Used to protect the house, shop, hotel, restaurant, office building, school, bank, library, warehouse, etc.

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The door opening sensor is the most used security alarm element. The reed switch included in the design of each door opening detector is a primitive and cheap element, which makes this type of sensor very competitive in price. The main principle of the detector is to remove the magnet for a certain distance when the contacts of the sealed contact open and the sensor responds. The distance of removal of the magnet from the body of the sensor is approximately 1.5 cm, which allows the sensor to detect a small opening of the door or window and at the same time protect the system from false triggers caused by drafts or vibrations.
The door opening sensor is a simple and reliable device for the first line of protection. These detectors can also be used to control access, separate guard zones and even control PTZ cameras. You can buy the reed switch from us at the lowest price. Our company cooperates with the largest suppliers of security equipment, which guarantees the continued availability of this type of goods in our warehouses.

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Additional information

Sensor type

Type of instalation


Temperature range

Operating humidity

не более 90%


7×13×28 мм


12 months

